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What's your favorite drink to get you through the day?


What do you do in your free time?

Thrifting and watching anime!

What three items would you take with you on a deserted island?

My nintendo switch, Cool Ranch Doritos, my curly hair products

If money was no object, what would you do all day?

Explore new places and travel!

What gets you up in morning?

Being eager to transform people’s look!

What's your favorite thing about being part of Bliss?

I love the sense of family and how we all support eachother! It’s my home away from home!


  • Woman's Haircut - $51

    Men's Haircut - $37

    Dimensional Highlight- $97

    Heavy Highlight - $118

    Dimensional Balayage - $118

    Heavy Balayage - $138

    Color Touch Up - $80

  • Toner and glazing at an additional charge.
  • *Additional charge for length and thickness of hair, as well as additional product usage